пятница, 3 февраля 2012 г.

This is my first step into an attempt of something very important for all beleiving gentiles and jews - to create authentic canon for scriptures, correct the christian view on both "new" and "old" testaments, message of Christ to seven ECCLESSIAS (religious academys) not "churches" (medeival invention) and correct jewish view also (when "being true to the word and letter" jewish view is perfect, but overall rejection refusal of Messiah and confusion with false-messiahs who turned out to be either zealots or sorcerers is of no help and if not taking actions will sacrifice more souls to antichrist's one way ticket to hell "lying wonders"); Jews are no matter or what to practise commandments, so for them it's more important (what part of oral traditions are man's rules and traditions and what part really follows the traditions? there has to be new siddurim "prayer books issued with applying daily/sabbath/festival laws, one for lone prayer, one for ommunity prayers, one for jews, one for gentiles and one for the third temple...easy steps are adding "...and by blood of Yeshua Hamashiach, blessed are thou Lord Our God who sanctified us by blood of Yeshua Hamashiach)" in morning blessing, adding "Lord's prayer" seven times a day, saying Shema 2 times with additions of "neighbour" and new commandment of The Saviour, taking out blasphemous nineteenth "Birkat Haminim" from Amidah prayer (which was sanctioned by Ezra and is acc. to prophetic tradition)
Part 1: Written Torah otherwise known as "Five Books of the Instructions" (Chamishei Chumshat Torah) directly handed by God and written down by Moses, who was greatest of all prophets: Torah translates as Instruction and has very expanded meaning (in its basic meanings it stands for 613 commandments); It is written that 2,000 years world existed in chaos and if were Torah not given to Moses the world would have been ended, the other 2,000 years it existed in the merit of Torah the final 2,000 years out of 6,000 years of world existence the earth exists in the merit of Messiah; So Torah means "instruction" (from root "horaa" - to enLIGHTen) not "law" as many call it there are 3 other words for "law" in hebrew), so from here we learn that Torah (God's instruction) is an answer to chaos, but it will not indure without Messiah - in other words we wouldn't be partying and having fun in 21st century if Yeshua wouldn't inflict upon Himself agonic death and the world would end with the destruction of the second temple;
Torat Ha'kohanim/Leviticus
Mishneh Torah/Deuteronomy
Part 2: Prophets inspired by spirit of prophecy which ceased with return of the exiles from Babylonia, since then everything was inspired by Holy Spirit only:
6 Joshua
7 Judges
8 Kings I + Kings II
9 Samuel I + Samuel II
10 Ruth
11 Isaiah
12 Jeremiah
13 Lamentations
14 Baruch
15 Ezekiel
16 Daniel
17 Hosea
18 Joel
19 Amos
20 Obdiah
21 Jonas
22 Micah
23 Naum
24 Habbakuk
25 Zephaniah
26 Haggai
27 Zechariah
28 Malachi
Part 3: Praises and Wisdom insired by Holy Spirit;
29 Psalms
30 Job
31 Proverbs
32 Song of Songs
33 Ecclesiastes
34 Wisdom
35 Sirach
Part 4: From Adam to Post exilic history written by inspiritaion of Holy Spirit:
36 Chronicles I + Chronicles II
37 Ezrah +
38 Nehemiah
I Esdras
39 Tobit
40 Judith
41 Esther
42 I Maccabees + II Maccabees + III Maccabees + IV Maccabees
Part 5: Torat Hamashiach (Teaching of Messiah) - as parallel to five books of Moses; Torah is eternal, beyond time and space, it is revealed by God gradually, first to forefathers, then to Moses and Israel, then to prophets and eventually Torah was revealed by Yeshua Hamashiach in all its splendor, showing unity of God and man by His teachings and His personal life example, love through sacrifice and bringing eternal salvation by anointing us with his blood; "New Testament" doesn't fit as a name for gospels or for epistles or apostolic writings in general - Testament means simply agreement arranged by God with one man or group of people, there are all in all ten testaments and the first one was made with Adam, "old testament" doesn't mean invalid, it simply means new in relation to other ones it doesn't invalidiate it just as name "israel" didn't invalidated name "jacob"; the testament with abraham was new in relation to testament made with noah and testament made with moses and israel were also "new" in its time; Christ gave us new covenant made by his sacrifice and I beleive in future He will give us new covenant when He will make to earth and new heaven; Tha's why we beleive that only five apostolic books have value of being part of the Holy Scriptures because they were testified by Messhiah Himself; Acts and Epistles are also sacred, but as oral commentary to gospels, because there are always two Torahs - oral and written;
43 Toldot/Mathew
44 Yochanan/John
45 Markus
46 Lukas
47 Hitgalut/Revelations
Toldot/Mathew (entirely in hebrew based on hebrew from greek translation, with some corrections based on peshitta and gramatical niuances based on "shem tov mathew" hebrew translation which we beleive is nothing other than the satirical version of mathew written by Gamliel BASED on original hebrew version, we take in regard only GRAMMATICAL aspects, because of blasphemy of mockery)
Yochanan/John (entirely in modern hebrew translation based on greek, with exception of introduction which is in peshitta, although we beleive original is in hebrew but because of very complex meaning and word games we weren't quite sure what was the original hebrew term for "word" was used , could be "davar" "maamar" "mila" hagaa" or else so it's aramaic "malta" which parallel of "mila" but it's not lkikely)
Markus/Mark (entirely in aramaic translation based on peshitta, scripture quotes are left in peshitta aramaic)
Lukas (Luke + 1chapter of Acts) (entirely in aramaic except introduction and childhood, considering the fact it has many prayers; but quotes from scriptures are in original scripture (hebrew) - you would ask why in Mark we left quotes in peshitta aramaic, but here it's in hebrew...we beleive that Gospel of Mark is not an independent piece of work but was written as a TARGUM (aramaic tranlation+commentary) on Mathew, so it's important to keep them in aramaic because author wanted to give additional meaning to words; examining gosels we came to conclusion that Mathew was the heart and essence of the gospels while three other serve as extension: Mark as alternate tranlation (TARGUM), Luke as Oral tradition (Oral Torah) and John as esoteric gospel (SOD), although John lived with Christ, John's gospel doesn't serve purpose of historic ducument or body of scripture but as secret side of Christ's teachings)
Hitgalut (Revelations) - peshitta version of Book of Revelations was later added by Syrain Church and thus cannot claim to be translation from the original and certainly not original because it is 100% clear that it was written by John in hebrew and it actually takes very few effort to restore it into hebrew; Holy Spirit probably guided John to write Revelations in the manner that it would be so easy to translate it from Greek, part of it uses language of the hebrew prophets and the other part uses language lesser known to western reader - language of Heikhalot literature and Ma'aseh Bereshith and Merkavah, oral tradition of studying Heavenly Palaces (dimensions), secrets of creation and secret of Divine Chariot;
I take no oath (bli neder) that I'll be able to do this work, but I think that God's name has to be sanctified by creating authentic hebrew version of new testament, because each and every of God's word is a precious pearl, every word in scripture has hidden meaning and includes the information on the rest of the Torah, whether written or oral, so I will post verse by verse of new testament in hebrew, english, aramaic and russian versions (i hope later to add greek if someone wih knowledge of greek would help
) beginning from mathew with proposal of final hebrew version...

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